Twenty-one years ago this week, I embarked on a journey to pursue a dream: to help directors and boards become value creators, realising the potential of the companies they govern. At the time—four weeks after the terror attack on the World Trade Centre—governance was hardly known as a word, and most boards had a strong compliance orientation. I had no idea whether the dream was realistic, much less attainable. But, at 39 years old, the calling was strong—compelling even. So, I took a deep breath and walked away from a great company and international role, armed solely with a strong belief that I might be able to add some value. I was told that stepping away from financial security and the makings of a stellar international career was crazy. But the decision had been made. I found that people would happily talk about their situation and what they wanted to achieve if they thought you were genuinely interested in them. That insight has provided the foundation for everything that followed—including working with thousands of directors in 45 countries across five continents, serving on boards, delivering hundreds of talks and leading many education sessions. The 2012–2016 period dedicated to complete doctoral research, to try to answer that most difficult question of how boards influence company performance provided a breakthrough that I hope, one day, will be taken up widely: the Strategic Governance Framework. To have met and spent time with doyens of corporate governance, strategy and leadership along the way—including Bob Garratt, Bob Tricker, Charles Handy, James Lockhart, Jenny Darroch, Roger L. Martin, Rita Gunther McGrath, Silke Machold, Stuart Farquhar, Andrew Kakabadse and many more besides—has been inspirational. I am indebted to everyone who has spared a few minutes to answer questions and share insights. Other highlights include sitting with directors in India, Eastern Europe and other places well off the beaten track, to listen; experience their thirst for insight; and receive their gratitude for what little I had to offer. Without exception, everyone I've met and worked with has wanted to find ways to guide and steer the businesses they govern with greater effect. To have been asked to contribute has been a honour. Thank you to every established director, board trustee, and board chair; every aspiring director; every chief executive and leadership team; every MBA student, researcher and associate; everyone who has heard me speak or read my articles (note: all my articles and blog posts remain available today); every regulator and government who sought confidential assistance; and, untold others I've never met. Thank you for considering my submissions and arguments, for believing in me, for encouraging me and for engaging me. Today, 21 years on from stepping out of the boat, the calling remains strong. I remain available to serve for as long as boards and directors call for assistance, and my ability to contribute allows. To that end, and with the passing of the pandemic, I am available once more to travel to meet in person to understand and speak into situations. So, if you have a question or want to discuss a problem, please get in touch. I stand ready to serve.
SearchMusingsThoughts on corporate governance, strategy and boardcraft; our place in the world; and other topics that catch my attention. Categories
January 2025